12th India Security Summit – Secure connectivity is need of the hour

The 12th India Security Summit, organized by ASSOCHAM and supported by the Ministry of Communications & IT, convened in New Delhi on August 28, 2019. It provided a platform for stakeholders to discuss the “Towards New National Cyber Security Strategy” theme.

Attended by dignitaries like Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Mr. G. Kishan Reddy and Israeli Ambassador to India Mr. Ron Malka, the summit addressed crucial issues such as protecting critical national infrastructure and combating emerging cyber threats.

Inventum stressed the importance of safeguarding national infrastructure using domestic wire and wireless products such as routers, gateways, and access points. Meanwhile, stakeholders unanimously agreed on the urgent need to strengthen India’s cyber defense mechanisms and devise a comprehensive national strategy to combat cybercrimes effectively.

The forthcoming National Cyber Security Strategy 2020 must tackle various challenges, including promoting coordination among diverse agencies and raising awareness among individuals, businesses, and governmental entities. This strategy aims to bolster the country’s resilience against cyber threats and ensure robust protection of critical digital assets. By prioritizing collaboration and awareness efforts, the strategy aims to create a more secure cyber landscape capable of countering emerging threats effectively. Through deploying indigenous technology solutions and strategic policy initiatives, India aims to establish a resilient cybersecurity framework that safeguards its national interests and promotes digital trust and resilience across all sectors.Cybersecurity

During the summit, Inventum presented high-speed routers, BNG, WAG, cybersecurity, and Wi-Fi access point products. These enable mobile data offload to Wi-Fi and improve packet accounting and content filtering capabilities.

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